09 julho 2011

Garças ao Sol / Herons under the Sun

Garça-real/Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea - Salinas de Alverca/Alverca Salt Pans

Ainda esboços da mesma visita às Salinas de Alverca. As garças de grande porte pareciam sofrer mais com o calor que os pequenos Carraceiros e Garças-brancas-pequenas - arfavam de asas abertas unidas em concha. E assim se mantiveram até as temperaturas baixarem um pouco, o que me permitiu desenhá-las com calma (interessava-me particularmente a Garça-vermelha, que obviamente foi a que menos tempo me concedeu)./Still sketches from the same visit to the Alverca Salt Ponds. The herons seemed to suffer more with the heat than the Cattle and Little White Egrets -- panting with stretched wings that closed like a bowl. And in this position they stayed until temperatures dropped a little, which allowed me to sketch them leisurely (I was particularly interested in sketching the Purple Heron, obviously that one bird was the one that gave me the least amount of time as a model).

Garça-vermelha/Purple Heron, Ardea purpurea, Salinas de Alverca/Alverca Salt Pans

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